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An electronic ticket, often called e-ticket, is the digital ticket equivalent of a paper ticket. The term is most commonly associated with airline issued tickets. Electronic ticketing for urban or rail public transport is usually referred to as travel card or transit pass. It is also used in ticketing in the entertainment industry. An electronic ticket system is a more efficient method of ticket entry, processing and marketing for companies in the airline, railways and other transport and entertainment industries
A transportation supervisor directly oversees the daily activities, workload and personnel of organizations that rely heavily on vehicle use in the course of their normal operations. Common places of employment include schools, freight companies, manufacturers, government agencies and local transit authorities.
SmartGates allow ePassport holders of a number of countries to clear immigration controls more rapidly, and to enhance travel security by performing passport control checks electronically. SmartGate uses facial recognition technology to verify the traveller’s identity against the data stored in the chip in their biometric passport, as well as checking against immigration databases.